CTTC Director awarded by Telecos.cat and COEINF


The 21st edition of “La Nit de les Telecommunications and Informatics” was held on Thursday, February 18 and awarded its highest distinction to Doctor in Telecommunications Engineering Miguel Angel Lagunas, who has received the Honor Award jointly awarded by l’Association Catalana d’Enginyers of Telecomunicació (Telecos.cat) and the Official College d’Enginyeria in Computer Catalunya (COEINF).

A jury of professionals and renowned authorities decided to recognize the extensive experience in the field of R & D of Prof. Lagunas, who is also professor of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and Director of the Foundation for Telecommunications Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTTC).

The ceremony was held in the Auditorium of Barcelona and you was chaired by the  Minister for the Presidency of the Generalitat, Neus Munté. The event was also attended by other authorities such as ministers Baiget, Jane and Borras.