Start: 15/07/2019
End: 31/12/2021
Funding: Local, Industrial
Status: Completed
Research unit:
Remote Sensing (RSE)

POCRISC is a project of the INTERREG V-A Espanya-França-Andorra Territorial Cooperation Program [Fons FEDER POCTEFA EFA158 / 16]. The goal of the POCRISC project is to foster a communal culture of the seismic risks in the Pyrenees, developing harmonious approaches to the assessment of the seismic risk for emergency managers, favoring the diffusion of communal and shared information addressed to the local authorities and the public, and providing them with tools helping the decision-making process, tools that have been tailored to the needs of crisis managers. POCRISC will also provide tools to support the surveillance and mitigation strategies of the risk that include interferometric Radar technology.

Guido Luzi
PI/Project Leader
María Cuevas-González
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